Quality control

Quality control - Chemical tests

Valbruna has a central chemical laboratory for:

  • Control of incoming raw materials
  • Product certification
  • Client requests and orders

This primary audit in conjunction with a second laboratory for the control of production processes ensures that the desired chemistry has been obtained efficiently. The central laboratory is equipped with modern analytical instruments such as Optical Emission Spectrometric analysis (OES), X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, optical ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma ) and infrared gas analyzers. The second laboratory, adjacent to the melting shop, follows the production process in real time, the complete chemical composition is verified until the required specification limits have been obtained. The synergy between the two chemical laboratories represents the heart of the research and development department which, in collaboration with the technological and metallurgical laboratories studies improvements in the metallurgical and physical characteristics of the steel in order to create new grades and specific customization for high-tech applications.

Quality control - Mechanical tests (Destructive)

Valbruna has a modern technological laboratory equipped to carry out mechanical tests on both cold and hot steel samples, not only for the standard certification of products but also upon the request of our clients.

  • Tensile Test (on standard specimen or on wire) up to 2000 kN
  • High Temperature Tensile Test up to 1200°C
  • Hardness Test (Brinell – Rockwell – Vickers)
  • Creep and Stress Rupture Test up to 1200°C
  • Impact Test

In addition, the laboratory houses numerous furnaces for heat treatment tests as well as a modern department for metallographic analysis, equipped with optical and scanning electron microscopes. All of the test samples are provided by the internal mechanical workshop which is dedicated to this purpose.

Quality control - Non destructive tests (NDT)

Cold or hot finished bars are inspected for the presence of superficial and internal defects. The following non destructive methods are applied, depending on the product form and the final surface condition:

  • Ultrasonic testing (UT)
  • Magnetic particle testing (MT)
  • Eddy Current testing (ET)
  • Dye penetrant testing (PT)
  • Visual testing (VT)

The non destructive tests are conducted by ISO 9712 certified operators.


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